Mobile Bookmarks Not Showing in Chrome Desktop? Here's How to Find Them!
Google Chrome is by far the most popular internet browser with over 3.3 billion users in 2022. One of the things that makes it so great is that you can log into it on desktop or mobile and see all of your bookmarks and even browser tabs. You can save a bookmark on one device and see it on another device.
But what if your mobile bookmarks aren't showing on your Chrome desktop? There could be a few reasons why your are not seeing your saved bookmarks on your desktop. It could be that your Google account isn't syncing between devices or that you are logged into a different Google account on your phone than the account on your desktop.
I'll walk you through how to check all of your settings to make sure that your bookmarks show on both mobile and desktop.
Make Sure Your Google Account is Syncing on Mobile and Desktop
Step 1: On your desktop computer, make sure you are signed into Chrome. You can do this by clicking the circle icon next to the three dots in the upper right. If you see your name and email address you are signed in.
Step 2: When you click on your profile icon in the upper right, you should see a green arrows icon which indicates that Sync is on. In the screenshot below, you'll see that it says Sync is on. If sync is off, you can click on it to go to the settings page to turn it on. You could also put this in your browser to go directly to those settings: chrome://settings/syncSetup

Step 3: On Chrome mobile, sign in with the same Google account you used to sign in on desktop. Tap on the three dots in the upper right and click on Settings at the bottom. Tap on Sync and make sure that the checkbox next to Bookmarks is checked.

Step 3: No you can return to your desktop and check to se if the bookmarks are synced. It may take sometime for your bookmarks to sync depending on how many bookmarks you have. Now you can click the 3 dots in the upper right, click on Bookmarks, and you will see a new folder called Mobile bookmarks. All your bookmarks from your mobile Chrome will be stored inside this folder.

You can now move bookmarks from the Mobile bookmarks folder to any other folder in your bookmarks. However, you cannot more the Mobile bookmarks folder anywhere else.
I hope this helps you locate the book marks saved on mobile when using your Chrome browser on desktop. If you have any further difficulties, please let a comment below.